Tips for Traveling with Your “Travel Bass”

While touring Travel bass is one of the best parts of being an artist, it can also be stressful to figure out how to care for your instrument while on the road. Here are some things you should know.

Travel Bass Insurance

When you’re on the road with your it’s more likely that it will be stolen, damaged, or lost. Your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance might not cover it. You can get insurance through ASCAP and BMI if you’re a member. MusicPro Insurance is just one company that offers this service.

Travel bass Hard Case

Please use a hard case. No gig bags for expensive instruments. You can hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst. This means that you should check your along with all other bags. Many Travel basses won’t fit in overhead compartments on airplanes. TSA locks are recommended. Lower the tension and you can take your strongest Always, I try to bring my instrument to the gate with me and then take it on the plane. If they won’t allow me to, the Travel bass will be gate checked. This means that they will take it from me at my gate and return it when I get off the plane. A hard case is also recommended because items in gig bags can get lost in vans. A gig bag won’t protect your instrument from being struck by a loud speaker.

If your case doesn’t come with TSA locks make sure you tape it shut before you inspect it. The case should not be opened on the baggage truck. If the case has to be cut open, I have found that the TSA will retape it. Sometimes, I place a roll or tape in the case and a note saying, “Dear TSA officer. Please re-tape mine when you’re done inspecting it.” To ensure that the stays secure, you can add padding to the case (such as your clothes or foam).

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Make sure you are prepared

Traveling can be difficult because you may not have all the resources at home. You may not have access to your amazing tech, so it is important to consider what could go wrong. Before you go, set up your Travel Bass and learn how to adjust string height, intonation, truss rod settings. You should bring the tools you use (but don’t put them in a Travel Bass case if they are very sharp). You never know what could go wrong. You might need extra cables and strings. If you feel you may need it, bring a soldering torch. Although I tend to pack too much, I find that I end up borrowing my extra cable from someone else. It is a good idea.

Don’t be Stupid

These are some of the stupidest things I’ve seen people do. These are not things you should do. You shouldn’t leave your Travel Bass in the van overnight in New York City, or anywhere else. You won’t find it when you wake up. You shouldn’t leave your Travel bass in a club, where anyone could grab it and run out the door. While you’re wrestling with your huge cab, Your Travel bass should not be placed on the floor, where it can get knocked about or stepped upon. Do not take your Travel bass out first, then put everything else in. After taking care of other equipment, don’t forget to put away your Travel bass. You shouldn’t be rude to your drummer.

You will have a great time traveling with your Travel Bass if you use the tips above and apply common sense. Good luck on your journey.

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