Why Does Your HVAC Filter Get Dirty So Quickly?

Homeowners with responsible habits know they must regularly replace the HVAC filters on their systems. But sometimes, “on schedule” doesn’t cut it: If upon replacing your filter you find it covered in hair and dust particles or debris clogging its pores, you might begin to wonder what caused its blockage in the first place. Aircon servicing are confident you will be completely satisfied when we meet your air conditioner requirements in Singapore. As one of the leading companies for maintaining air conditioners in Singapore, we provide top-quality services with reasonable costs in mind. With Aircon servicing air conditioning service you can experience its cool breeze all while keeping it operating efficiently reducing any chance of potential damages which could occur – keeping cool air flowing freely all while decreasing risk!

There are various reasons and potential solutions for the issue at hand.

Clogged Before Its Time

There are various causes why filters may clog early:

Hair of pets. If you own a pet that sheds, chances are it’s contributing to an excess of fuzzy filter hair in the house. Regular vacuuming and grooming sessions for your pet may help in decreasing how much they shed their own.

Your fan is set to “on”. There should be at least two settings for your thermostat – “on” and “auto”. Setting it on auto means only running it when necessary (ie when cooling/heating your home), while leaving it set “on” means air is flowing through the filter constantly – using up more filters! Switching settings may help maximize filter life.

Extreme temperatures. Even with your fans set on auto mode, prolonged exposure to extreme hot or cold temperatures will keep the system operating nearly 24/7, necessitating shorter replacement intervals with each changing season.

Your filter has an extremely high minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV rating), meaning it can capture less particles. As the rating increases, so will its capacity for particle capture. A simple fiberglass filter allows smaller particles to pass through more freely, so it won’t get blocked as quickly than one that traps these particles in pleated or thick filters. Thicker filters do not necessarily mean better; while thicker filters will ensure fresher and cleaner air in your home, they also increase wear and tear on HVAC systems and decrease efficiency, increasing replacement frequency as well as costs. Your HVAC technician can assist in selecting an ideal filter to meet both your needs and system requirements.

Home Dust Problems may have arisen due to construction work or just accumulation. Any dust that doesn’t get swept up regularly poses a threat of entering the filter system and further contributing to its inefficiency.

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A New Lease on Life

If your filter seems to be filling up quickly, one solution could be cleaning its surface. Although your filter won’t become fully free from dirt and particles trapped within its media, cleaning may help remove larger debris such as hair or larger particles, thus prolonging its life for a few more days.

An effective alternative is to integrate air purification devices into your HVAC system. Such systems will work to remove particles before they reach the filter – making air purification particularly relevant if any household members suffer from severe allergies, respiratory conditions or have multiple pets.

Reusable filters may also be an alternative, and can be maintained easily using either an attachment for vacuuming or garden hose. To learn more about these and other home comfort solutions available at serviceairconsingapore.com.sg.

What to Do When Your AC Unit is Freezing Up?

Discovering a frozen AC coil can be alarming in the middle of summer heat, yet it happens regularly. Air conditioning units are complex systems consisting of many interdependent pieces that work together; any malfunction in any one component could create serious complications – as in the case of frozen coils on AC units.

How did this occur and what are my options if my AC unit freezes up?

How Does an Air Conditioning System Work?

Most often, people assume that air conditioning functions by pumping cool air into buildings. But this isn’t entirely accurate: air conditioners work by drawing warm air from inside of rooms before venting it outside much like refrigerators do – except they’re more powerful at cooling large interior spaces than refrigerators!

Air conditioning systems come in various sizes and shapes, yet all operate on the same principal: using chemical (refrigerants) that transform from gas into liquid then back again rapidly, housed within coils traveling through an enclosed loop system and controlled at three points by compressor, evaporator and condenser respectively.

Heat is absorbed by the evaporator coil

First, warm air from a room is drawn into an air conditioner through its vents, where it is forced over an evaporator coil by vents and into contact with refrigerant (liquid form of refrigerant) that absorbs its heat and transforms to gas form; eventually a fan then blows cold air through air ducts into various rooms in a home and the gaseous refrigerant continues its journey around its loop system to its second station which serves as the condenser.

Compressor raises the refrigerant temperature

Cooling fluid travels away from the home to a compressor, where it becomes an unpressured gas. From here it enters as hot and high-pressure gas before entering into a condenser for cooling purposes.

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As its name suggests, a compressor functions to reduce gas volume by compressing it between two solid objects and increasing temperature further.

Heat is transferred outside

Refrigeration requires refrigerant to condense into a hot vapor at the condenser where it meets with cool air from outside, but as anyone familiar with air conditioners knows, metal fins positioned around its unit help dissipate heat more rapidly so the refrigerant leaves cooler when exiting condenser; due to high pressure changes from gas to liquid status. Now ready to cycle through again at station 1

What Causes an AC Unit to Freeze?

Air conditioners may freeze due to a malfunction in their evaporator unit that disrupts their ability to function correctly, causing their refrigerant to overcool, drop below freezing levels, and ultimately freeze over. As such, frozen coils of an AC indicate there may be issues in its health that need attention.

Determining what causes an AC device to freeze up is of critical importance in order to address and remedy its root cause. There are two potential contributors.

Blocked airflow

Air conditioners rely on constant circulation of air to avoid humidity accumulating on their coils and freezing. Dirty or blocked filters could reduce airflow, leading to frozen coils. As such, it is vital that filters in your system be regularly changed every three to six months in order to ensure smooth functioning of your cooling system.

Mechanical problems or refrigerant leaks

Mechanical or refrigerant system issues or leaks could cause complications within a refrigeration unit, leading to potential mechanical or refrigerant system issues and leaks.

Cooling machines contain many moving parts that could stop functioning or become stuck, including fans that cease running or filters that become clogged and leaks that may develop. Any one of these issues could result in pressure being dropped too low and refrigerant expanding too rapidly and becoming extremely cold; similarly if there were low levels of refrigerant.

Steps to Take to Keep Your AC from Freezing

Sight of an air conditioner being covered in ice is alarming, yet regular maintenance can prevent this from occurring. Have your unit checked at least annually (perhaps more often based on how frequently you use it) as air conditioning units contain many moving parts which need regular care to ensure effective service over many years of usage.

Regular maintenance will help ensure that your system functions to its optimum capacity, providing more efficient and faster cooling. In addition, regular scheduled maintenance reduces stress on your AC as small issues are addressed quickly, and unexpected repairs are reduced or avoided altogether. An HVAC technician has also been certified to detect leaks of refrigerant which could otherwise lead to frozen AC coils.

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As well as scheduling regular service for your cooling system, there are other things you can do as a homeowner to extend its lifespan. A simple act like switching out the filter each month could save thousands of dollars in repairs costs while keeping it from freezing at critical moments when you most need it.

What to Do if Your AC Freezes Up?

If your air conditioner remains frozen for too long, the issue could grow more serious. Troubleshooting should do the trick but if that fails then contact an HVAC technician as soon as possible to take a look.

Here’s how to solve this issue:


Assuming your air conditioner unit has frozen over, shut it off immediately to let its ice melt before turning it back on again. Make sure not to use your air conditioning until its completely defrosted and dried out before switching it back on again. Avoid running your air conditioning if its frozen since this could put undue strain on its compressor; in certain instances letting the system cool down completely then open may be all it takes. Before doing anything else, restore power before switching on its blower fan.

Find the Cause and Fix It

There could be several causes behind why an air conditioning unit would freeze up:

Check air filters and change them

Air filters are essential to providing clean air throughout your home and should be regularly replaced or cleaned to ensure optimal performance. At peak times it is advised that AC filters be cleaned at least every two weeks while replacing every three months for best results.

Check your thermostat & fan settings

If your air conditioning temperature setting is insufficient, it could impede on its ability to transfer heat between internal and external temperatures efficiently. A low fan speed could further strain your system, making it harder for it to maintain the ideal set point temperature. One solution might be increasing fan speed on hot days in order to provide enough airflow – though in cold temperatures the refrigerant could become so cold it freezes all moisture present before even starting its circulation properly.

Bad compressor

This is often the cause of frozen AC coils. A worn-out compressor cannot reduce refrigerant’s pressure effectively and thus leads to freezing of coils – unfortunately this makes repairing impossible with such damage; therefore it’s necessary to contact an HVAC service provider as soon as possible in an emergency. Some issues with air conditioning can be solved simply on your own; more complex issues need the guidance of an expert HVAC specialist.