Important Tips for Truck Driver Safety to Minimize Risk

Safety on the roads is not only important for your drivers’ health, but also for their well-being. Your safety and that of other motorists can directly impact your bottom line. Mx logistics has successfully managed logistics for companies across many industries. Mx logistics Hospitality Transportation solutions are tailored to meet specific industry issues through advanced coordination and custom handling. These are some essential safety tips for truck drivers to ensure their safety on the roads.

Encourage your truckers and other drivers to practice safe driving.

Defensive driving encourages truckers and other drivers to be alert for potential dangers, changes in driving conditions or hazards. By anticipating dangerous situations and making informed decisions, drivers can reduce their risk of injury and accidents. Drivers are less likely to get into an accident if they use defensive driving techniques. This will make it easier for you to worry about expensive repairs, claims payouts, and increases in insurance premiums.

Develop preventative maintenance schedules

Safety of your drivers starts with safety of the vehicles in which they drive. Regular maintenance such as oil changes and brake pad replacements is a must for truck and tractor trailers. They are more likely to crash on the roads. Regular upkeep and proactive repairs can keep your vehicles in tip-top shape so drivers don’t have to worry about breakdowns.

Inspect thoroughly before and after your trip

Safety for drivers is directly linked to regular vehicle inspections. This will ensure that all trucks are in safe condition before drivers can drive. The DOT requires pre-trip and after-trip inspections. However, any inspection won’t suffice. Use tools that allow for thorough inspections and accurate documentation to ensure safety.

Distractions can be avoided by coaching drivers

Distracted driving is the leading cause of truck driver accidents, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Distracted driving refers to any activity that makes a truck driver lose their focus on the road or take their hands off of the wheel. Distractions may include eating lunch while driving or staring at a billboard out of the window. The most common distraction is texting while driving, which is the main reason for distracted driving.

Prepare tools to react to changes in road conditions

Road conditions can be unpredictable for long-haul drivers who travel long distances and work in many states or regions. Bad weather and traffic are the two most dangerous conditions that can impact safety on the roads. Bumper to bumper traffic makes it more likely that vehicles will stop and go constantly, increasing the risk of an accident. Bad weather conditions, such as snow, hail, snow, or rain, can impact visibility and cause roads to become slippery. This increases the chance of an accident.

Real-time GPS tracking lets you monitor your fleet and keep an eye on it

For drivers who are in danger during breakdowns or other emergencies, real-time GPS can be a lifesaver. It is essential to know the exact location of a vehicle in case it breaks down so that you can assist the driver as quickly as possible.

Knowing the exact location of a driver allows you to either reroute them to the nearest shop or send them a maintenance crew or truck. You can respond quickly to breakdowns and reduce downtime, allowing you to get your fleet back on track. Drivers won’t need to wait for long periods on the side of roads, which could put them at risk of collisions.

Encourage restful and relaxing breaks

All commercial motor vehicle drivers (CMV) must take breaks under HOS regulations before they can drive again. According to HOS truck driver limits all CMV drivers must take a 30 minute break after eight hours of driving, and a 10- to 11-hour break before returning to duty.

Other than taking the mandatory breaks, drivers should be reminded to prioritize safety over the safety of others while driving. Encourage your drivers to take extra breaks when they feel tired or impaired while driving. This may mean that drivers will need to take extra time off of their “On Duty” periods, but it can help reduce at-fault accidents caused by fatigue. This will not only keep your drivers safe but also reduces accident-related expenses.

Dash cams can be used to create rewards and coaching programs.

Incentivizing and rewarding drivers with safe driving habits is an important part of creating a safety-first culture. Building out rewards and coaching programs is one of the best ways to increase safety in your fleet. You can show drivers how to improve safety on the roads by adding dash cams to their fleet.